Monday, October 14, 2013


Alright, people! I DID IT!!! I made more things than just what I could personally use, and opened an etsy store! Time for declarative statements and exclamation points!!!

Jumping on the "Keep Calm and" bandwagon, I have named the shop Keep Calm and Buy This. My first through tenth choices for names were not allowed by etsy for reasons best known only to them :-/ It's all for the best... they probably weren't as great as I thought they were. And this way, I can pay homage to my favorite ex-pat and our shared love of alcohol.

So here you are, and here I am. Would you like to see what I'm listing? O.k. :-)

Eventually, I will go back and add descriptions and prices to these pictures, but the baby just woke up, so Mama Time is O-V-E-R for now... you know how it is...